Lied Library, NV

System: Bemo 305mm Standing Seam Panels and Factory-Formed Shingles

Project Size: 25,000 sq ft of 305mm panels; 75,000 sq ft of factory-formed shingles (36” wide x 18” high)

Materials & Finish: 1.0mm Natural Zinc with a protective backside coating

Location: Lied Library, Las Vegas, NV

Year Finished: 2002


The Lied Library project utilized a combination of 25,000 sq ft of Bemo 305mm standing seam panels and 75,000 sq ft of factory-formed shingles. Both systems were crafted in 1.0mm Natural Zinc with a protective backside coating, ensuring durability and a sleek appearance. Panels were field-formed, field-curved, and craned into place for the roof, while the shingles provided additional coverage and architectural distinction.

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